日本的卡通Hunter X Hunter,中文譯為「獵人」,是我非常喜愛的一部作品。故事當中對人物的刻劃,非常地鮮明生動。

  片尾曲─風之歌,在我第一次聽到它,加上畫面中 "米特阿姨" 遠望的心情,那種願將思念之情隨著拂身而過的風,帶到想念的人的身邊;這種情緒加上動人的旋律,讓人的感動久久不已。


 I like a animation named "Hunter X Hunter" as a Japeness animation. The roles in the animation are all animated.

 When I first listened to the end music "Song of the wind"; through aunt Miter's eyes in the screen. I can see that she desires the people far away that she missing could feel her yearning. Her emotion touches me beyong words.

 As my bad mood, I will listen this song. The melody seems being with power of spirit, that makes my soul float in the air, and let me sob in the hollow corner to cure my hurt.


    玉米/黃昱銘 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()