


......Creative Commons License......

  In 1997, I had gathered my wrote down words as whole my moods before, then created this song.  There were two different stories inside this song, but they were with similar mood like the name of song, "Wanna go, but still stay"

  2006 winter, I recorded at a music school that I had taught guitar before for my music Demo.  Although I have been in the recording room several times, it's first time I recorded a song created by myself in fact.  Then, I put my fingers on the guitar that I feel unfamiliar and started my playing.

  Even though the song I recorded is not good enough, I kept my own record at least.  The song I ever created could be kept an edition to listen.  Just push the play bottom and listen!!

====== 歌詞 =====

欲走還留 詞/曲/編:黃昱銘

心中的思念 在想起你的時候才有
心裡的愛慕 在談起你的話語遊走
你的一舉一動 現在已遙不可求
過去 的一切 我已不再擁有

心海的浪濤 在見到你後激起奔流
心靈的沉寂 在離開你的久久之後
你活潑的氣息 浮現在深邃眼眸
現在 與未來 又將幾度春秋

你的愛 從不經過我的手
我的夢 仍會跟隨風消瘦
愛夢之間 對我來說是否足夠
心中真情 讓我對你欲走 還留


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