from JerryC's Official website.

喜歡 JerryC 的朋友有福了!從他退伍之後,最新的一次活動將要出爐囉!以下是影片內的原文:
It's pretty glad as who like JerryC. The new one performance come after his out off service for military. Those are what he said in the vedio:

"Hi, guys, I’m Jerry C, long time no see.
I just leave the military service in Taiwan, and now coming back to work hard in music. Here’s an event coming soon as the Youtube Live Tokyo, on November 23rd.
I’m glad to participate in the performance and play canon rock with other nice musicians.
See you soon. まっててね (mattete-ne).."

「嗨,大家好久不見啦,我是Jerry C。我剛從國防部退伍,回到音樂界努力工作。十一月二十三號,將會有個活動在 Youtube Live Tokyo。很高興能夠和這麼多一流的音樂人一起參與這次活動。下次見囉,要等我哦!」(玉米翻譯版 / Translated by me)

====== 相關網頁 Webite about those ======

JerryC Official Website

JerryC fans net

====== 一定會有的玉米碎碎念 ======

最近忙到沒什麼在更新網誌,正好日本的朋友問起這個影片裡的中文翻譯,我才把這個 Delay 一個多星期的消息給放上網誌。

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