「許久沒有消息的 JerryC 到哪兒去啦?」許多朋友打探著消息,只聽說他吃中華民國國防部的飯去了 (服兵役、當兵)。
JerryC 即將從國軍行列回到正常人的生活啦!
下個月,就是下個月,JerryC 即將光榮退伍,回到我們身旁囉。
"Where had JerryC who's long time no see been?"
So many fans asked this question. As I know he is serving R.O.C. army now.
Now, there is a recent news that make fans glad enough.
Next month, just next month, JerryC will retire from his army service, and be back to the normal life.
As that day, please restore our strong passion to JerryC, and give him a great grear bravo... (He will be back on the date about 9/20)
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回憶一下吧!您一定不能錯過的資訊:(Here is some information we have to recall about JerryC...)
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- Aug 31 Sun 2008 12:25
[吉他怪客 JerryC] 久違了!JerryC! Long time no see! JerryC!