因為我在網誌裡介紹了 JerryC 的 Canon Rock,認識了一位遠在日本東京的朋友,從認識到現在,我總從他的資訊中,得到許許多多的創作靈感。換句話說,他讓我看到了另外不同於我現在所見的世界。

他的 Blog - Michi-kusa -,一直是我愛不釋手的創作學習來源,每次逛、每次都會有新的收獲,雖然我看不懂日文,但圖像、聲音,這些共通的語言,還是能很直接的感染我身上的細胞,讓我感動。




Because I introduced JerryC's "Canon Rock" to others on my blog, I knew a friend from Tokyo, Japen.
Since we met, her let me see a different world from that I ever seen, and through these informarion, I got lots of inspiration to creating.

Her Blog - Michi-kusa -, is the target and source for my learning and creating, and I can not bear to love this blog. Everytime I visit it, everytime I get new gains. Though I can not read Japeness words, the image and sound, these common lanquages always still strike my body, and keep me feel touching.

She has an angle-like Voice, that's a profassional singer Voice, and full with power of infection. She has ability and soul to find the beatiful part of Art. She is in a denser culture environment than me, and she has a wide mind to connect the wide wide world.

Let me meet a friend like these, it's the treasure and fortunate in my life.


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